Merry Christmas Greetings from Our Home to Yours!


 A Christmas Wrap Up

I wish you a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and may all your prayers be answered.

So I am just now finishing the clean up Christmas process. I have donated ornaments and decor that I no longer use and hope they make someone very happy. I am now starting my New Years clean up which consists of cleaning, recycling and reorganizing the studio and my home. We have downsized to a smaller place which is easier for my husband to maneuver right now and more affordable in So.Calif. 

My news year resolution is to pray and put the dreams of owning our own home in the hands of the Lord and I am thankful that I still have the strength and ability to provide the 24/7 caregiving that he requires now.

Many blessings to you and yours!

XO, Sandra


That's a wrap see you next year!



California, USA


This last few months have been crazy here in the cali desert! 

 The weather has been wonderful, we got tons of rain, my rose bushes look marvelous!

 We just now are warming up. It is still dropping down into the 50's at night. So far 90 has been the highest it goes for now.

The hubs had nine appointments at the VA in one month., 6 lab tests and six video chats. It is an hour away and they usually last at least 45 minutes so I did a lot of reading. I always take a stack of books and magazines with me for entertainment. Sometimes I go in and sometimes I am the chauffer, dropping him off when there are no close parking spots, finding a parking place farther away and waiting for his call.

I have been doubting myself, my business and my purpose. Praying and waiting for answers while waiting in peace which is a blessing all its own that I am truly grateful for.

Meet my 80's family. That is how you dress for the desert!

I hope all is well with you and your families. These times can be tough but we must all stay together and help each other out by spreading love and joy to all you meet.

"The peace of God passes all understanding."
(Philippians 4:7)

Give my best to the family, See you soon

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed

New in the boutique -Antique Flow Blue Milk Pitcher


© Sandra Shepard. All rights reserved.


April Newsletter #23


California, USA


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